2 April 2012

Must Have Monday- Latisse

Have you been thinking about using Latisse but afraid of the part in the commercial where they tell you you may get eye reddening, permanent staining, or loss of eye sight? I am here to tell you I have been using this product off and on for a year & a half and I can still see... although sometimes my vision is impaired by my gorgeous long eyelashes. Latisse is a MUST have, it is worth the $120 a bottle. For sure. Here are some before & after pictures (sorry they are a bit creepy looking, I usually take them at night w/ my iphone)
 Before I started up again in December (I hadn't used Latisse for over a year)
 Getting long middle of February 
Long & getting thicker at the start of April

I am still using the first bottle I purchased in December. How do I make it last? Throw out those Latisse absorbing applicators they give you in the kit. Rather, purchase a very thin eyeliner brush and use that to apply the product every evening. 

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