16 July 2012

This lady is now a Mrs.

I am back to blogging, this time as a married chica. My husband & I have had a whirlwind two and a half weeks. It was nothing short of spectacular, memorable, & a bit tiring. We would have not been able to pull off such an amazing time without the help of our families & friends. My parents were the ultimate tour guides on the island of St. Maarten. Our days went a little something like this...
Wake up to the sounds of the ocean
Morning coffee & bowl of lucky charms on the patio overlooking the blue water
Endless hours paving the way from our beach towel to the water & back 
Lunch was either a brie & baguette sandwich or bbq food on the beach
After the sun would set we would freshen up & head out to a local gem (Italian restaurant)
From here we either ended up cranking the music & dancing with the staff until the wee hours of the morning or testing our luck in the casino 
Oh the fun we had in the five days spent on St. Maarten

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