30 July 2012

Must Have Monday- What this mama needs

This Must Have Monday is dedicated to everything that makes me feel better. While most of the morning sickness has disappeared I still don't feel like my normal self. That is to be expected right? There is something wonderful growing inside of me!
1. The largest bottle of Bio-Oil I have ever seen. Thank you Costco. I use this yummy smelling liquid on my belly every evening. I did notice it stains clothing or bedding so you have to rub it in really good.
2. L'Occitane Shea Butter is my go to every morning belly moisturizer. It goes on light & smells dreamy. Hoping to eliminate the chance of stretch marks.
3. This purple box can be seen all over my house. It pops up next to my bed, on my desk, even in the car. These little guys are delish and soothe any tummy uneasiness.  
4. Tum-tasticular is what they should really be called. I pop these suckers like mentos. What more can you ask for from a fruity tablet that cures all heartburn?

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