6 January 2012

Feel Good Friday

There is a saying " Where your attention goes, energy flows." Your thoughts are harnessed and directed by your ability to focus. All of your thoughts can be turned into action with the appropriate energy. With the right amount of focus anything you wish to achieve can be done.   To center your mind & body I challenge you to try meditation. Before you start your day find a quiet space with little distraction. Sit comfortably and close your eyes, focus the mind on one icon or object. Try to embrace the moment focusing on serenity. Let your thoughts/distractions just pass by without holding onto them. If you are finding it difficult to settle the mind, focus on your breath. Start with just a few minutes the first day and then work your way up. Steadying the mind is much more difficult then one would presume. It takes patience, dedication, and focus. As you become more experienced with meditation you will find yourself using this technique to realign your energy throughout your day. Good luck :)

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