13 March 2012

Stone Age Launch Party

A week ago we celebrated the launch of the spring alexa collection Stone Age. It was such an exciting evening, I loved getting to see all of the reactions to my new pieces.
Love this shot of one of the display tables.
Earrings galore!
I thought we should have the big bottle.
Mini cupcakes, the perfect size to allow you to try all the flavors.
Awesome close-up of my necklaces, see one you like? Order them here.
My vintage serving dish served as my braided bracelets holder.
Delish mac & cheese cups I used this recipe.
Taking custom orders, love it!
Trying them on to see how they look.
Shopping shopping shopping!

{Special thanks to Lauren from de[luxe] design studio for documenting the evening with pictures}

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a blast Ally, maybe I should just pop on a plane and see you up in Canada to do a little personal shopping?! Congratulations and Cheers to you!
