23 March 2012

Feel Good Friday-Natural Wellness

 My favorite new store I found while visiting Calgary is Saje Natural Wellness. Their mission is to connect people with the healing power of plants. Amazing. I know I know I am really going all hippie on you with this post. But honestly, I have visited the store three times while in Calgary & can't get enough of their products. If you prefer 100% natural ingredients, sustainability, & locally manufactured goods then you will appreciate this store They have locations in BC & Alberta, as well as an online site. Check out a few of my purchases.

1). Energy Boost Natures Remedy Roll On- $14.95
-{Roll on behind the ears &/or wrists for an increase in energy}
2).  Eaters Digest Natures Remedy Roll On - $19.95
-{Best thing ever, roll it on counter clockwise on your tummy to help relieve stomach pain, nausea, & acidity}
3). Chai Comfort RemeTea - $12.95
-{Delicious, can be made the traditional way with steamed milk(almond) or the easier way with water}
4.) Sleep Well Kit - $29.95
-{Lavender scented eye mask, sleep well roll on (put on bottom of feet), lavender bath salts, & tranquility mist (spray your pillows/bedding) zzzzZzzz}

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