28 June 2012

Wedding...A Proposal

It is officially one week from our wedding day. But we wouldn't be here without the grand proposal right?! So here is how it all went down on August 13th 2012
It was the day after my birthday & my best friends wedding. We walked hand in hand to my favorite spot in Minneapolis, The Walker Arts Sculpture Garden. He had never been there before and I was giving him the unofficial tour. The park was full of different wedding parties, croquet players, & parents pushing double wide strollers. He pulled me off the beaten path onto the grass directly facing the famous spoon & cherry. With his arms wrapped around me his heart was beating fast... a little too fast for just a stroll (come on he is an athlete I thought he was supposed to be in shape). It was then and there he spun me around and it all happened. I wish I could remember every little detail but I was in complete shock and could only murmur the words omg stop it (in a good way)!
The first phone call went to my parents who were conveniently located around the corner eager and willing to celebrate with bubbly! The evening continued with dinner at Chino Latino our first date spot nearly 5 years ago. It ended at Marvel bar where we continued the celebration with close friends.

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