27 June 2012

Little Update

It has been quite an eventful & stressful last few months. I have been dying to share with everyone our exciting news. Those who know me well know I can't keep a secret for the life of me. So while we revealed our news to immediate family & close friends, I was bursting to tell the entire world. As we transition into the second trimester I can say I have had a pretty normal pregnancy thus far (so I am told). However, I didn't seem to think puking from the site of avocados is normal. Until I realized  almost everything made me gag. I found comfort in Annie's mac&cheese and bunnies, of course. My girlfriend teased the baby  would come out orange.  I have been able to continue yoga practices & running although, not as often as I would like. I am excited to return to teaching flow yoga when we return from the wedding. As far as the baby bump goes it is small but there :) Bearsy is pretty excited about the baby & he seemed to know well before we did. He sleeps under the covers on my growing belly. I think he is already assuming the role of protective older brother.

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