5 June 2012

Geek Out

Lately you can find me curled up on the couch, lawn chair, or on a beach towel with a good book. But it isn't just any book, it's one from James Patterson's Alex Cross series. Now I know the first few books have been around for yeeeaaarrrsss. However, I have just been turned onto them. How?! Thrifting of course. I have always loved mysteries (I was quite the Nancy Drew fan when I was younger). I stumbled upon the $1 book section & happily scooped up Along Came A Spider, the first book in the series. After 48 hours of not being able to put the book down I knew I was hooked! I usually read on my ipad but there is something great about holding an actual book in your hands. But lets be honest I really like collecting all of books after I have read them :) 
I have been reading the books as I find them in the thrift stores so unfortunately not in order... I highly recommend reading them in order ha.

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