13 June 2012

Is it weird?

I am officially back in the beautiful province of Quebec. It took only a few short hours for me to remember why my fiancĂ© & his family are so lucky to live here (me too now)! The city exudes history, charm, and a sort freshness if you will. Local vendors line the streets with fresh product grown no where other then right here. The mall parking lots are empty on hot days. Rather the parks & streets are full of bikers, runners, children playing etc. I love everything about this city....minus the language barrier & that pesky double kiss greeting. It gets me every time. 
Do I go in left side first or right? If we both go left I practically just made out with you. Did I go in too aggressively? Do you make a loud smooch sound effect? Or soft? Now do my lips actually touch your cheek or is it more of an air kiss? Call me a typical midwestern but I like to give a slight wave to people I kind of know & a giant hug to the ones I do. Why is greeting people here so stressful for me!? Is it weird I would rather embrace someone in my arms then lean in for a double cheek kiss?

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