8 August 2012

Remember when?

Lately I have been thinking about random fun things I loved as a child. I wonder what things our little one will remember as he/she grows up!? Time to take a stroll down memory lane. Oh how fun it was growing up in the 90's.
How awesome was it to open your lunchbox and see these in there?
Couldn't wait to see what Mark Summers would ask kids to do. Pie roller-coaster.
Did any of this actually stay on your lips? I usually licked mine off.
You could always find time for this beauty of a game. Trash can with wheels? Purple wedding dress with penguins on it? Pretty sure Hugh Grant wasn't on the list, more like Jonathan Taylor Thomas. 
Pogs, slammers, & wishing you hadn't played for keeps.
Cartoons were just better back then. 
Well before her Sabrina the Teenage Witch days.
Zig zag parts & butterfly clips.

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