7 September 2012

Feel Good Friday- Buh Bye!

I was just starting to feel settled into our new condo & now we are moving again! We have piles & piles of things waiting to be packed into the Uhaul. With traveling, hotel living, & apartment searching I have decided to take a mini blogging break. I promise to return soon enough with updates on the baby, our new life in Chicago, & all the other fun things!

6 September 2012

B&B {Belly & Bearsy}

This is a very busy week for us. We are packing up the condo getting ready to head to Chicago. Our little girl is growing each & every day. Her kicks & punches are finally strong enough for my hubby to feel.  As far as our little man, well he is still a little man. I swear he thinks he is a human.

5 September 2012

Crunchy Croutons

Every salad needs a little crunch. But who wants store bought croutons with how many cals? So I created my own crunchy croutons recipe. They are simple to make & mighty tasty.

What you need:
-Freshly grated parmesan
-Day old baguette
-Olive oil
-Italian Seasoning

Let's get cookin!
-Slice the day old bread into your desired crouton size
-In a skillet heat up olive oil & garlic
-Toss in bread chunks & drizzle with more olive oil
-Alternate olive oil & salt as you toss the croutons until they brown
-Sprinkle italian seasoning onto the bread
-Place the croutons in the oven at 400 degrees for 6-8 minutes
-When they are crunchy & brown remove from oven
-Freshly grate parmesan on the top
-Top off your fav salad with the croutons!
Store in an airtight container for up to 3 days, but trust me they never last that long

4 September 2012

Have to Have? Baby List

The idea of registering for baby at one store didn't appeal to me. We wanted a stroller from here... a monitor from there... one place just didn't have it all! The solution to our problem? Babylist. It is an amazing website that allows expecting moms & dads to pull items from any website & create the ultimate baby list. 

{Baby O's List}

In creating our baby list we realized it is quite overwhelming!! Bottle warmers, pumps, play yards, swings, jumpers... oh man baby overload. While I am already planning out her outfits, the day to day products/goods are a mystery to me.

So I have two questions for you moms & dads out there. What is the one baby product that you couldn't live without? What is the one baby product that was a complete waste?