4 September 2012

Have to Have? Baby List

The idea of registering for baby at one store didn't appeal to me. We wanted a stroller from here... a monitor from there... one place just didn't have it all! The solution to our problem? Babylist. It is an amazing website that allows expecting moms & dads to pull items from any website & create the ultimate baby list. 

{Baby O's List}

In creating our baby list we realized it is quite overwhelming!! Bottle warmers, pumps, play yards, swings, jumpers... oh man baby overload. While I am already planning out her outfits, the day to day products/goods are a mystery to me.

So I have two questions for you moms & dads out there. What is the one baby product that you couldn't live without? What is the one baby product that was a complete waste?

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! I remember when over a year ago I was registering for my little bundle to arrive. It is a very overwhelming feeling to not know what you need or what you do need and it was even more overwhelming (but exciting) for us because we did not know what we were having so we had to stay gender neutral. One thing that was a MUST and I did not get it until after the baby was born was a cover for the carseat. Our little man was born in October and you know MN winters...they can be brutal. So I ordered a cover from carseatcanopy.com - it is reasonably priced and well worth it (and if you sign up on thebump.com you get offers for it to even cost less). The one thing that I bought and it was a total bust was a sling from Seven Slings...it was just too uncomfortable and awkward for me and my little man. I think a wrap of some kind is great, just not the kind I bought. Enjoy this time and good luck with your pregnancy :)
