20 January 2012

Feel Good Friday

Let me introduce you to the influential Ryan Leier. I first got to know this amazing yogi when I went through his one yoga teacher training program. Ryan is an ambassador to yoga communities all over the world and leaves his impact on each of his students. Currently I am involved with him once again for a 40 days program. What is that? From yoga tradition we know it takes 40 days to make or break a habit. This program is about a 40 day lifestyle change/commitment. 
  • Set your Sadhana.
  • Do something positive for both your mind & body daily
  • Commit to at least 6 minutes of meditation 
  • Practice 3 asana poses everyday
  • Follow his blog for daily inspiration
  • Read The Heart of Yoga- developing a personal practice by T.K.C Desikachar

 The goal of this program is not to just transform you mind & body but your life.  It is about learning to take yoga off the mat and applying it to your everyday. If you are feeling inspired I challenge you to set a Sadhana and join this movement! Why not start your 40 days today?

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